Buying art online

wraping art, product packaging, buy art, packed paintings


Given that we live in the age of high speed internet that offers a lot of information but also a lot of opportunities, it is not surprising that many companies have moved their activity in the online environment. Most of them offer services or products but also support for customers, employees or their business partners.
The field of art did not lag behind and folded on the concrete reality of today. In recent years, I do not mention the fact that in the international pandemic situation, there has been a huge leap in the way of buying art online. Both artists and art lovers have gained trust and concluded very good deals on both sides. In terms of presentation, there is ongoing support from large art platforms that host art galleries of artists around the world. I also own such a portfolio on Saatchi, Wescover, Artmajeur, and Etsy. The platforms are amazing and are very friendly to use by both artists and collectors. These platforms are beneficial both for artists who have opened portfolios on their sites and for art collectors, the latter having the opportunity to buy from one place works of art made by artists from around the world. This would be one of the advantages that dedicated platforms offer.
Another way to purchase art online is to buy directly from your favorite artist. This can also have several advantages, including:
- the possibility to see all the artworks of the favorite artist gathered in one place;
- knowing very well what he wants to buy, the art collector can no longer be tempted to take a look at the works of other artists, thus wasting more time;
- the art lover has the opportunity to talk directly with his favorite artist and can thus obtain more information about the paintings he is interested in and last but not least he can make a direct offer depending on the allocated budget.
Regardless of the chosen method, the collectors have today at hand an easy way to satisfy their desire to purchase art in advantageous and safe conditions. Not infrequently, buying art online has brought financial benefits to collectors because the costs of exhibiting the works are slightly lower and this is reflected in the final purchase price.

In the end, is buying art online a good choice? Certainly the answer is "yes" for people who know what they want to buy, for those who are very busy, for those who are determined in their choice and, of course, for all art lovers.


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